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Monday, October 19, 2015

public transportation in Turkey

Turkey has about 75 million people population. The recent datas of population indicates us; the number of the people who are living in urban and rural sites has reversed. In 1927, persentage of the people who are living in the rural sites was 25,8 of whole population and urban site had 74,2 percent of Turkey's population. But now when we look at the numbers, 23,2 percent of whole population live in  the rural sites and 76,8 percent of it live in the urban sites. And all these people need to go back their villages to visit elder members of the family in some festival times as traditionally.

When we think about all of this datas and price of cars and oil are so high,  we notice that there should be a well organized public transportation system in Turkey. By the way Turkey is forth country has most expencive oil price.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

An Unkown Turkish Philosopher: Nasreddin Hodja

Many people do not know about Nasreddin Hodja even they traveled to Turkey, He is a wise person, we are growing up with the jokes of him. When i was a restaurant for lunch today, the waiter told a joke of Hodja because of a situation. Then I realized he is still on our lives.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Backrounds of Odd Turkish Traditions; guarantied to be surprised!

have you ever wondered about the older religion of the Turks before Islam? or Have you ever heard sth about Shamanism?
probably not. Then check this out!!!


Thursday, October 8, 2015

Check this out! Interesting Facts About Cappadocia

Cappadocia, Turkey

Cappadocia is derived from the ancient Hittite word "Katpatuka" is commonly believed to mean " Land of the Beautiful Horses peregrinating freely and It's a fitting tribute". Novadays Cappadocia is more celebrated for its lava-sculpted topography and down skyline dappled with hot air baloons than horses, but historically the region was renowned for its deep equine connections.
Fragment of another planet, a mirage of stone in the heart of Anatolia... There are parts of the earth which do not seem really belong to; Cappadocia is one of them, a strange and spectacular landscape from the pages of science fiction. It is an extraordinary region, unmatch in the world. A fascinating beauty. An incridible harmony of shapes and colors. An ideal landscape for history and art lovers.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Rough and Ready Weekly Tips of Touring in Turkey

Waited a long time a journey that you have waited for. Then you  have packed all your needs, and here you are the last minute tips.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Wines of Turkey

The Hittites, Bronze Age people, were the first to make laws and regulations about viticulture and vine making, thus establishing a true Empire of Wine on Anatolian Lands.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

the Best Way to Travel as Cheap!

Yep! we talk about tent and trailer camping. Tent and trailer camping is an altarnative tourism that mostly provide to people fulfill their own transportation, accomodation and food&beverage needs. that's why me and my family spend all summer vacations on the camping sites till I am 19. It was being so hard for Mom and we have bought a summer house when I am 19. Yes it was hard because there shold be some conditions to do that. But the best summer stories of me  based on those times...
I am a member of an ordinary family it means the camping is highly common in Turkey among the people who have middle income. On my this post, we are going to see the camping sites of Turkey...