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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

the pearl necklacess of Turkey: the Bridges... (Volume 1)

Mehmed the Conquerer Bridge, Istanbul

Just before specifying the subject let's glace over the bridges as general. In history of world, the first bridges were made by nature itself as simple as a log fallen across a stream or stones in a river. The first bridges made by humans were probably spans of cut wooden logs or planks and eventually stones, using a simple support and crossbeam arrangement.

The Arkadiko Bridge is one of four Mycenaean corbel arch bridges part of a former network of roads, designed to accommodate chariots, between Tiryns and Epidauros in the Peloponnese, in Greece. Dating to the Greek Bronze Age (13th century BC), it is one of the oldest arch bridges still in existence and use. Several intact arched stone bridges from the Hellenistic era can be found in the Peloponnese in southern Greece.

the Arkadiko Bridge, Greece

And Anatolia that is divided into two parts with two straits which are called as Dardanelle and Bosphorus, had the first bridge in 6. century BC. with some differences between the elder ones. it's not made with ston or wood. It's made with ships.

2522 years ago, when Persian King Dareios the had reached to the coast of asian side of today's Istanbul, needed to pass Bosphorus strait, but strong waves of the straits it was not possible to make a bridge on those times.Then smart king Dareios ordered to hook all the ships side by side.

With the final conquest of Istanbul in 1453, it has become an only one city which has two different side, Asia and europe. On time it has become a metropolitan city of Turks.

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